The Target

What makes a target?

  • Wrong place/wrong time ie. works for a dysfunctional organization.
  • Has an unresolved dispute with the bully- this escalates a bully game.
  • Previous target leaves.
  • Different to others, eg different culture, over qualified, alienates others.
  • Shows vulnerability.
  • Bully is a new manager.
  • Conscientious, agreeable, quiet achiever.
  • Bully is jealous or threatened.
  • Inflame bully game by revealing distress eg ‘doing nothing’.
  • Whistle blow: mismanagement, malpractice, fraud.
  • Inappropriate social and communication skills- others bully as payback.
  • Padlocked to the job and can’t leave.
  • Physical injury and can’t work as hard now.
  • Paralysed due to earlier but totally different traumas or other personal difficulties.
  • Socially unassertive or avoid conflict.
  • Support a colleague who is being bullied – you’re next!
  • An active trade union official.
  • And many more…

How targets can be injured by workplace bullying?

  • Health issues, such as sleep difficulties, weight gain, hair loss, gastrointestinal problems, headaches etc
  • Immune related disorders
  • Cancer/ heart attacks
  • Suicidal thinking
  • Concentration affected
  • Reduced motivation
  • Memory difficulties
  • Difficulty learning new material
  • Can’t complete basic tasks eg housework, paperwork,
  • Stop hobbies/interests
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders eg panic attacks, obsessive reviewing, hyper vigilance, avoidance
  • Nightmares
  • Severe/chronic posttraumatic stress disorder
  • Workplace Bullying Trauma (refer Bully Blocking at Work AAP 2010)
  • Loss of identity
  • Major personality change


  • Loss of income/career
  • Loss of second job
  • Loss of promotion
  • Less superannuation
  • Forced retirement
  • Social difficulties
  • Social isolation
  • Fear to answer phone, go to letterbox, shopping, meet friends
Family and sex life
  • Separation/Divorce
  • Lowered sex drive
  • Children and partner affected by victims trauma

Evelyn M. Field, OAM, FAPS is available for consultation by phone, Skype or FaceTime.
Email: to make an appointment.

The Target