
  • Evelyn’s office is in Armadale, Victoria, Australia.
  • She provides telehealth counselling to treat clients around the world by phone or social media.
  • She is used as an expert witness for school or workplace bullying.
  • Her main area of focus is school and workplace bullying.
  • She can also help clients deal with Trauma, Relationships, Shyness, Depression, Anxiety, Loss and Grief, Women’s issues, Empowerment, Aging.
  • She provides consultations and training to manage school or workplace bullying, training for mental health professionals, presentations around social and emotional resilience and other simple psychological topics, based on her cruise presentations.

Book a consultation and training

Email Evelyn: or

Evelyn M. Field, OAM, FAPS is available for consultation by phone, Skype or FaceTime.
Email: to make an appointment.
